Welcome to CohereTech

Cohere Tech India Pvt Ltd offers Eco-Friendly adhesives & Sealants for industrial and Construction segments, Our Industrial Maintenance Division offers solutions for Glass Lining, Air Filtration systems and Oil seperators. We source our Products carefully in order to provide best solutions to our clients. Cohere invests in extensive studies of the latest trends to keep our client abreast of the current developments in technology.

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Customer Feed Back Form

    How Satisfied are you with our products?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    Were Goods delivered within you expected time?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    Goods delivered in good condition?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    is our billing found with errors?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    are your inquiries attended to on time ?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    Did you get our technical support on time?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    How satisfied are you with your complaints getting resolved from us ?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    please rate performance of the product on a scale 1 to 10
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    if you had faced any issues with our product did our team extend support to your satisfation?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    How do you rate our products against our competetors?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    do you get regular updates of the product devlopment and new lauches ?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    are problems solved by our management ?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    How satisfied are you with the improvement in quality and processes at our end ?
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510
    please put your comments here ?

    Please rate us against other vendors.
    9 to 106 to 82 to 510

    Customer Feed Back Form

    Dear Valued Customers,

    At Cohere Tech, we strive to provide the best products and services to meet your needs. Your feedback is important to us to ensure we are meeting those needs. Please take a few moments to complete our Google form and share your thoughts on our products and services. Thank you in advance for your participation.